Monday, January 26, 2009

No More RAM

My brain's RAM is full.

Need more.

Here's how I know:

Yesterday I said goodbye to Long Beach Opera's production of "The Cunning Little Vixen" and collected my paycheck.

I came home after the demanding final performance, carefully put the sheet with the payroll information in the file folder newly set aside for that purpose, and threw the envelope in the trash...


I realized that something was amiss when I arrived at the bank parking lot this afternoon and couldn't find said check.

Bob was able to locate the errant check just where I thought it might be; IN THE TRASH CAN.

Fortunately, I hadn't shredded the envelope.

I would have, but I was just too tired.

The check has been safely deposited IN THE BANK instead of in the trash can.

See, slothfulness is not always a bad thing.

Brain RAM.

I need some.

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