Thursday, May 24, 2012

Opera Sweater 2 Is At Tear Down

Opera Sweater 2 made an appearance after the first performance of Long Beach Opera's Ainadamar Sunday evening.  Although my work in the pit was completed, my dear husband and sound designer Bob had some tearing down to do, and the stage needed to be made ready for another event.

I really enjoy watching the skilled crew hard at work long after the audience and musicians have left the building.  Without them, there would be no show.  Crew, with knitting in hand I salute you!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Opera Sweater Returns To LAX

I'm back at LAX with Opera Sweater 2, this time to pick up future (and past) LBO stage manager and fellow knitter Cindy after her flight from New York. It's quite the commute to make for tonight's rehearsal where she'll be running supertitles.

Tonight is the orchestra's first night at the Terrace Theater. I'm excited to get settled in. Let's see how it goes. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, May 4, 2012



Opera Sweater 2 is taking shape, even as my hours of listening to and practicing  Ainadamar  are beginning to bear fruit.

I've been doing some work in the opera office. Friday I translated the score from Spanish to English. I've also spent a couple of nights taking notes for Andreas during vocal rehearsals. That's my favorite. I love hearing my friends as they break my heart with their transcendent arias, and listening to Andreas as ideas pour forth from his giant brain. I am so very fortunate to be there, drinking in every moment.

Next week my role will change as I assume the principal flute position with the orchestra. Right now, I'm more than content to be a fly on the wall as genius flows around me. I am so grateful to be a part of this.