I know exactly what I was doing 40 years ago.
On January 20, 1969 I was marching with the Whittier High School Cardinal Band under the direction of Allan Trefry in Richard M. Nixon's First Inaugural Parade.
This picture by Gerry Owens, showing us at a fundraiser at the Whittier Quad, appeared in the January 17, 1969 edition of Time Magazine on page 14 (that's me with my flute right in the middle):
Here I am at the far left with my flute rank FREEZING while waiting to step off:
Those band uniforms are SO flattering:
Here we are on the parade route:
It was very cold and WINDY as we marched by President Nixon. I was grateful for the warmth of the television lights. I'm on the near end of the third band rank from the left:
I remember thinking as this picture was taken, "I know my mom is at home going crazy right now, but I'm just going to look at the President."
We had a once in a lifetime experience, one that I will never forget.
Hail to the Chief!