Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Muni Band Flute Section - A Different View

The Long Beach City Council met today for round two of Municipal Band budget talks. As I lay in the hospital recovering from this morning's surgery, I wondered how things were progressing. I was really tickled, then, when fellow Muni Band flutists Patti and Eileen stopped by to bring official tidings and a get well balloon. To hear tell, it was another emotionally charged scene. When I recover a bit more, I'll watch the video online. Meanwhile, I'll remember the emotion and joy my two lovely colleagues brought with them. Thank you, friends!

Posted via email from Teri's posterous

Thursday, August 12, 2010

KCAL At Marine Stadium Tonight

Suzie Suh and photog Ken Koller from KCAL9/KCBS were at Marine Stadium tonight covering the Municipal Band.  Here is the package aired during the 9pm broadcast:

 Photog Ken Koller with Suzie Suh

Live truck WITHOUT beFrank in it

Conductor Larry Curtis gets interviewed

My view from the stage

Ken getting the crowd shots

The mast over the Muni Band