Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Crowning Afternoon

I promise I will get some cruise pictures up soon, just not tonight. Bob and I plunged back into work yesterday and I continued the streak today. Tomorrow I've got a date with the dentist's chair for a crown.


After the pain subsides I will regale you with more cruise pictures than you might want to see. Meanwhile, let me tell you about our Crowning Afternoon.

Fellow Muni Band flutist Eileen threw a surprise 50th birthday party for her husband Chris at the Crown City Brewing Company in Pasadena this afternoon.

It is important to understand one thing: Bob and I don't drink very often, and when we do drink it's not going to be beer (sorry beFrank!). We're also not much into parties.

It is a testimony to how dearly we regard Eileen and Chris when I tell you that we spent the afternoon at said establishment.

We got adventurous and rode the Metro from the Blue Line Wardlow Station to the Gold Line Del Mar Station which was half a block from Crown City. We strolled on over in plenty of time for the official "SURPRISE!" event.

My dear husband Bob is very shy in crowds (so am I, but my love of interesting conversation often helps me overcome my dread of parties. Bob lacks the love of conversation in any form which is too bad because he's really good at it). He was quick to agree to submit himself to a torturous experience just because he loves me.

True love. You can't beat it!

We ended up having a really nice time.

I'm grateful we had the courage to step outside our comfort zones for a Crowning Afternoon.

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