Thursday, July 12, 2007

Real Men Wear Pink

Thursdays mean the Long Beach Municipal Band can be found at Marine Stadium.

The "Boat People" were back for this evening's concert:

The Boat People weren't the only people being entertained.

What is trumpeter Stan taking a picture of?

It seems there was a perception that our excellent, hard working crew was making remarks about the band shirts and their abundance of pink.

That being the case, they were graciously supplied with new uniforms of their own:

Aren't riser crew Justin and Mike fetching?

Stage manager Greg and sound engineer Bob (my dear husband) don their new duds:

It seemed to improve morale:

Monitor board Dave:

Great look!

Sound crew Justin:

Striking a manly pose helps:

Adam, who dropped by tonight's concert, seems relieved that Friday was his last day on crew:

Men wearing pink need to stick together:

Craig and Justin demonstrate that heavy lifting can be accomplished while wearing pink:

Conductor Larry Curtis with the amazing singer Barbara Morrison:

A good time was had by all:

Oh, and the pink shirts?

They're a little worse for the wear after the grueling tear-down following the concert.

Men that they are, the crew will be at El Dorado Park on Friday wearing their now beyond grimy Man Shirts.

It'll be worth the trip just to see them.

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