Saturday, April 14, 2007


I was completely unprepared for the words I heard during opera rehearsal today:

"My name is Laura Hillman. I am 83 years old. I am a Holocaust Survivor".

These words were spoken by the lovely woman seated on the stage to my immediate right.

It is one thing to hear an actress sing the role of Anne Frank.

It is another to listen to someone who experienced the unbelievable horror first hand.

Our conductor Andreas with Laura

Even as I was doing my job - playing notes and counting rests - I was completely overcome by what I was hearing.

I realized that I would have to take a page from beFrank's book; that I would have to put on my professional hat, do my job, and distance myself from the horror at hand.

I will take another page from beFrank's book.

I will also be praying.

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